The Coronavirus and Cash Flow

As the US hit the grim mark of having over 1 Million confirmed cases, the Coronavirus Pandemic truly has affected the vast majority of us, even if we personally have escaped being infected.  With some states shuttering businesses completely, others mandating reduced staff, and others trying to return to normal, the retail automotive business looks much different today than it did in early March.

With a reduction in staff and in a lot of cases, a reduction in floor traffic and sales, one constant remains–dealerships have financial obligations.

CASH FLOW:  We can help in two ways–very quickly:  1) REMOTE OPERATIONAL ASSISTANCE–if your key people can’t make it in to process your factory rebates, we can assist you remotely.  Cash flow shouldn’t–no CAN’T stop just because the rebate person can’t make it into the dealership.  2) DEALER CASH–over 80% of pour 2019 audits identified DEALER MONIES that were available to bring in.  4 out of 5 dealers had DEALER CASH that they hadn’t claimed. 

Dealers need their $ more than ever right now and we do not charge to review for your missing money.  We are a contingency firm–if we recover nothing–you pay nothing.

Before your $ ages off (some incentives start aging off in 90 days), give us a call.

Stay safe.

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…of EVERYTHING—especially from the manufacturer. Just like you, I get more emails than I can justify spending time to read every day. I have become accustomed

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