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Compliance Auditing
Compliance Auditing
If you haven’t been selected yet for a Manufacturer’s Audit, you absolutely know someone who has. You probably have heard the horror stories. Business Rule #1—Inspect what you Expect. (Most dealers are assured that all of their paperwork is in order and that all needed documentation is in house. We provide courtesy checks for dealers EVERY WEEK, and less than 4% of the dealers are Perfect—which means that 96% of the dealers have great, financial exposure in the event of an audit.)
Dewitt & Lane’s fee-based consulting service related to ensuring a dealership’s compliance with the manufacturer’s guidelines on employee deals, commercial deals, and other incentives requiring documentation.
- We provide this service on-site, which assures you of the most thorough of consulting.
- We custom design the actual service to your specific dealership’s needs—some require a look at only a few programs, some require a review of most every program. Our free, initial consultation will help design what you need.
- By being proactive, we help you mitigate your exposure. We will identify your problematic areas, actually highlight your exposure, identify exactly how to correct your deficiencies, and get you “bullet-proof” for a potential audit.