Do you have something against finding free cash?

As we celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we want to say THANK YOU.
Thanks to our thousands of clients who made our past two decades an incredible journey. We value your business and thank you for the trust that you put in us. We look forward to rewarding that trust again, and again, and again over the next 20 years.
If you didn’t have the opportunity to be a part of our first two decades, we would welcome the opportunity to show you the D&L Difference—Professional Service by a team of Professionals with an emphasis on integrity, and getting it right the first time.
70% of ANY $$ is better than 0% of YOUR MISSING MONEY
100% Guarantee
If D & L makes a material error while providing audit services to the Company, or, if Ford Motor Company issues a chargeback on a claim for which D & L has been paid a commission, then D & L, after having the opportunity to verify the validity of the error or chargeback, will reimburse the Company for any payments already made to D & L. * **
* Guarantee extends the full 24 months that Ford Motor Company has the ability to audit and issue charge backs to the Company. ** This guarantee does not apply if the base reason for the chargeback is related to the Company’s failure appropriately to disseminate money to customers as required by Ford Motor Company, Ford Motor Credit or any other appropriate governing body that was legitimately claimed by Vendor.Our Services
We offer a full range of services to keep you on track, all with our 100% guarantee.
If you haven’t been selected yet for a Manufacturer’s Audit, you absolutely know someone who has. You probably have heard the horror stories. Business Rule #1—Inspect what you Expect. (Most dealers are assured that all of their paperwork is in order and that all needed documentation is in house. We provide courtesy checks for dealers EVERY WEEK, and less than 4% of the dealers are Perfect—which means that 96% of the dealers have great, financial exposure in the event of an audit.)
Dewitt & Lane’s fee-based consulting service related to ensuring a dealership’s compliance with the manufacturer’s guidelines on employee deals, commercial deals, and other incentives requiring documentation.
- We provide this service on-site, which assures you of the most thorough of consulting.
- We custom design the actual service to your specific dealership’s needs—some require a look at only a few programs, some require a review of most every program. Our free, initial consultation will help design what you need.
- By being proactive, we help you mitigate your exposure. We will identify your problematic areas, actually highlight your exposure, identify exactly how to correct your deficiencies, and get you “bullet-proof” for a potential audit.
If you have already received your audit letter, or, if the manufacturer has already come in and found items that they have charged back, or, are trying to charge back, it’s still not too late.
- Are the Manufacturer’s Auditors’ findings always perfect? NO. Absolutely not.
- Are the Manufacturer’s Auditors’ findings always final? NO. Absolutely not.
- We review all of the auditor’s findings documentation.
- We provide a consulting spreadsheet that confirms or denies whether the file supports a legitimate claim by the dealership and that the incentive should not be charged back
- We create draft response documents, including exhibits and attachments, to help you respond appropriately and efficiently to the chargeback documentation.
- We have even worked with a dealer’s attorney to jointly prepare a presentation for appeal of erroneous chargebacks, providing the incentive knowledge and argument, while the attorney framed our argument in “legal speak”.
- We make ourselves available for any additional follow up necessary to walk you through the review process with the Audit Supervisors and, if needed, the Dealer Policy Board.
Dewitt & Lane’s contingency fee-based C&I auditing service finds missed incentives. There are several different options when it comes to identifying missed incentives. Some dealers only want to recover Dealer Cash/ any incentives that should remain inside the dealership. Other dealers find it beneficial to identify all missed incentives–even if it means that they will be returning monies to the End User (if the rebate wasn’t used in the deal). The benefit that they gain from this is two-fold: 1) It assists the front end in being more competitive by looking for and utilizing all incentives up front–if your sales desk is not working their deals with all possible incentives that are available, then they are missing deals and missing gross on the deals they do close. 2) You can’t put a definitive value / price tag on customer good will, but overwhelmingly, the dealer feedback that we have received has proven that returning monies — an unexpected financial windfall–after the sale has created “customers for life”. It is almost paramount to winning the lottery–and these customers love sharing that story with their friends, family, and coworkers. AND, remember, if we find nothing for you and your customers, you owe us nothing. We offer several options:
- Standard Agreement (flat rate)
- Tiered Agreement (smaller rate on retail incentives)
- Dealer Cash only review
Just as harmful as using incentives incorrectly (claiming them when you shouldn’t, or when you don’t have the proper documentation, is not using all of the incentives that are available, or, UNDERUTILIZATION.
If your team is missing available incentives, they are also missing:
- GROSS—on what they do manage to sell, and
- SALES—where it is estimated that for every 1 sale that you do get without passing along an available incentive, there are probably 4-5 buyers who went “down the street” and got all of the available incentives from another dealer, resulting in the customer getting a better deal from the other dealer.
Good News / Bad News. The Good News is that the manufacturer’s latest trend is to lower the number of on-site audits at dealerships. The Bad News is….
The bad news is that their current trend has significantly increased the number of audits that they are conducting via their new tool–the Dealer Self Audit, which is done by your own dealership personnel. This takes time away from selling cars and it takes a level of expertise to do it correctly. Which of the “required” steps are not really required? What part of the documentation that you are told that you need do you really not need? What part of the self audit is not part of the Standard Rules of Eligibility and / or Plan Rules?
Instead of the General Auditor’s Office sending their auditors out to try to get money back from the dealers, they are now giving you a selection of deals that they identified, and they are asking you to voluntarily turn yourself in if you are not perfect. While there are some perks to conducting your mandated self audit (like if you find a Plan deal where you erroneously over-charged a doc fee, you will simply refund the overage and be exempt from their $200 penalty), there can still be issues stemming from your self audit.
If you are selected for a Self Audit, contact us BEFORE you fill it out. We can assist you with some do’s and don’ts from the experiences of other dealers who have gone before you. What types of information that you might voluntarily provide to the manufacturer would probably prompt a full audit? If you find a dealership issue on a group of deals that aren’t included in the Self-Audit, is it better to go ahead and volunteer the information and try to take advantage of the lesser, punitive fines? What is the down-side to not doing the “voluntary” Self Audit?
We have the answers to these questions as well as most others that you might have about Self Audits. We can probably save you both some immediate dollars as well as help mitigate future charge back exposure. Call us today for a free consultation before you initiate any audit, but especially before you begin a Self Audit.
For more than 20 years, Dewitt and Lane has been known as the experts in the field of automotive C&I. For the first decade, we were primarily known as the “rebate experts”. We still are, but, we are much more than just an incentive recovery firm.
Over the past several years, as dealers became more concerned with compliance, and specifically, the potential financial exposure that they might have with the manufacturer, Dewitt and Lane responded with a new arm of COMPLIANCE CONSULITING.
We are here to provide the level of compliance servicing that you want–some dealers want an annual, sample compliance, others either are engaged on a semi- or quarterly-basis where we review every deal for compliance. Either way, rule 101 of business is INSPECT WHAT YOU EXPECT.
While most dealerships try extremely hard to do the right thing, the manufacturer has made compliance a very difficult goal–by constantly changing rules and programs. It is no wonder that there hasn’t been one, single compliance review done in the past 5 years where the dealer had ZERO exposure.
The manufacturer (General Auditors Office) has levied penalties of 6 digits–don’t let the next victim be you–let us help you stay compliant and be able to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that the next $1,000,000 check going to the manufacturer isn’t coming from you.
Compliance Consulting
The Gold Standard of Incentive Recovery Firms
For over twenty years, Dewitt & Lane has developed a unique consulting company for finding lost incentive dollars. After over 2,500 audits in over 1,500 dealerships, Dewitt & Lane consultants have found nearly $110,000,000 and reviewed over 4 million deals.
When you have a good idea, someone is just around the corner forever trying to copy your ideas and this leads to competition and change. While Dewitt & Lane has proven to be the “gold standard” of incentive recovery firms, we have found the advent of this competition is a good thing. It has made us better consultants, more efficient workers, and stronger partners. We have diversified our services and become stronger for the competition.
With these changes and efficiencies comes an opportunity for you. Recently, Dewitt & Lane changed its fee structure and expanded it’s available contract options to continue to not only be competitive rate-wise, but to also offer additional alternatives to the standard contract such as a tiered contract where dealers pay a smaller contingency on incentives that are returned to customer. Since our inception, Dewitt & Lane has strived to provide world class service to its dealers, but also to always to do “the right thing”. For years, the only option that dealers had in utilizing an incentive recovery firm was to pay one flat fee on every incentive recovered — even if it was returned to the customer.
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